A Mix bag
- You may expect the phoren people publicly brag about it. You may even expect the desi celebrities like Neena Gupta and the Poojas (Bhatt/Bedi) rendering expert advices. But his holiness the Dalai Llama talking about the "ups and downs" of savoring the forbidden fruit. Bless me Buddha!
- Amit points out that now even the Hindustan Times has jumped into the blogging bandwagon. To me the platform seems more appropriate as a discussion forum rather than a platform for blogging.
- Jivha has invited nominations for Indian post to be featured in the Bharteeya Blog Mela.
- Perhaps many of us got rejected at one recruitment process or another. But this guy put up an entire blog making the incident public. The blog has an an interesting account of his grievances during the recruitment process at Accenture.
- This is hilarious man! I may have read this post here quite late, but you may enjoy reading this coversation with a Nigerian Spammer.